Friday 18 May 2018

Captivating Lines from Here and There-20

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  • No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average humanbeings- Peter Drucker, Management Guru
  • Heaven is a state and not a place- Anita Moorjani, Author 
  • Argue for your limitations,and sure enough they are yours- Richard Bach, Author 
  • Problems remain as problems because people are busy defending them rather than finding solutions Stop wasting time defending your problems and work on addressing them instead.
  • Law of Expectations: Whatever you expect with confidence, becomes your own self fulfilling prophecy.Successful people expect to be successful in advance. Happy people expect to be happy. Popular people expect to be liked by others.They develop the habit of expecting that something good will happen in every situation.
  • If you do not deliberately plant flowers in the garden of your mind, weeds will grow automatically with no encouragement or support.
  •  When you are born, you come into the world with two natural qualities- (1) You are completely unafraid (2) You are completely spontaneous- From the book " Million dollar habits" by Brian Tracy.
  • It is so hard when "I have to" and so easy when "I want to"- Annie Gottlier
  • Invariably an organization takes on the personality of its top leader, providing that individual is in touch with the members of the organization. If the leader is petty,the subordinates will be petty, But if the leader is encouraging,optimistic and courteous,then the vast majority of the workers in the organization will be as well- From the book " Lincoln on Leadership"
  • It is one of the beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself -Ralph waldo Emerson,Poet & philosopher


  1. I so agree with the 'personality of its top leader'quote! I gave seen it in action at every place I worked!

  2. Happy you could relate to the quote Mridula.
